- You will use way more blankets, burp cloths, rags, etc. than you think. Spit up and drool laden items end up at every seat and feeding station.
- So. Many. Diapers.
- Get the blue bottle of Dermoplast, the red bottle will burn.
- Baby smiles and coos make the world go ’round.
- Babies can grow 2.5 inches in two weeks. (WHAT?!)
- Extreme stretch marks can appear in just the last days of pregnancy.
- Not all babies like to be swaddled the same way or at all.
- Practice walking your dog next to your stroller before the baby comes so they get used to it.
- Breastfeeding and pumping is not only physically tiring, but can be very mentally taxing. There can be good days and bad days.
- Baby nails grow quickly. When you’re ready to trim them, grab a file instead of the clippers.
- The cute clothes won’t matter when you change an outfit four times in the first day. They won’t matter when you have a blowout at 3AM either.
- Babies can toot, a LOT.
- The price of a Costco membership can be paid for in diaper savings alone. (We found they were very similar to Huggies.)
- Don’t forget to wash behind those precious baby ears, spit up gets there, too.
- I had more conversations about bowel movements and the number of pee diapers than I knew necessary. The pediatrician will want to know.
- Sacrificing some things for your child will be easier than you think.
- A three minute shower can feel like you’re Cinderella right when the fairy god mother transforms her, or when Mulan embraces her inner badass.
- There’s no such thing as too many pictures.
- You can function on less sleep than you previously thought.
- Don’t overbuy newborn or 0-3 month sizes until you know how quickly your baby will grow.
- Babies are strange, so don’t be afraid to ask all your questions. Pediatricians have heard it all- probably earlier that same day.
- “Rest when the baby sleeps” is much more practical advice than “sleep when the baby sleeps.”
- It’s perfectly acceptable to have a dozen nicknames for baby toes. (beasties, chonkers, toe beans…)
- The pain, exhaustion, ravenous 2AM hunger and tears are all worth it when your baby recognizes you for the first time.
- Stubbing your toe can seem like the most overwhelming thing in the world when sleep deprived.
- You won’t stop staring at your baby for a long time. They are magical.
- Your stomach may look like an empty bag after birth for a while, and that’s perfectly fine.
- Your nipples can crack and they may leak ALL the time. Lactation consultants are miracle workers.
- Invest in the extra $5 portable changing pad for the car, skip the fancy shoes.
- You are stronger than you think and your body knows what it’s doing. And, it’s perfectly normal to question whether it really does.
- Everyone thinks that THEIR baby is the cutest in the world, and they all are.
- There are a thousand opinions on every topic imaginable relating to babies and parenting, but the only ones that matter are yours.
- You should backup the baby pictures on your phone frequently. Have them printed when you can.
- Mom and parenting groups on Facebook are the wild, wild west. Proceed with caution.
- Being educated on the birthing process can be empowering. You, or you and your support person are your strongest advocates.
- The saying is true, a mother’s intuition is usually right.
- “Instagram families” and “mom bloggers” may seem like they have their lives together, but I promise they are just as messy as the rest of us.
- Invest in another hamper, because you’ll be doing a lot more laundry than before.
- Not knowing the reason your baby is crying does not make you a bad parent.
- Accept help from someone you trust. A home-cooked meal or a 30 minute nap can be life-changing.
- Everyone’s body heals differently after growing a human.
- You don’t need all the gizmos and gadgets. You can get the extras after the baby is born when you find out what they prefer. 3AM Amazon orders for the obscure pacifier brand that your baby will exclusively take may happen more than you think.
- Don’t mom shame yourself- it’s hurting you more than you think. You are a champion.
- You’ll be changing diapers in under a minute flat sooner than you think.
- Getting poop on your hands, clothes and body will bother you less than you could ever imagine.
- Get two car seat bases if you have two cars. It’ll save your relationship.
- You can’t add warm milk directly to refrigerated milk. (I still don’t get this one.)
- “Friends” who judge the amount of pizza you eat in the first month of having your baby aren’t your friends.
- Words like “gripe water,” “let down,” “perineum,” “placenta,” “nipple balm,” “suction bulb” and “stool softner” may become commonplace in your vocabulary.
- A humidifier where the baby sleeps can work wonders for a stuffy nose and a grumpy babe.
- Fed is best. Period.
- You may cry for no reason. You can be overwhelmed by happiness one minute, and sadness the next.
- Your docile chihuahua can be the best bud and fiercest protector of your new little one.
- A little fresh air can work wonders.
- You don’t owe anyone an explanation of your parenting choices. Keep it happy and healthy.
- The way you care for yourself matters. You may now live for your baby, but you’re still in there somewhere too.
- No one will ever know if you bring the baby and the bouncy seat into the bathroom with you.
- Your cutesy styled bathroom may be filled with mesh undies, Dermoplast, jumbo pads, a peri bottle, breast pads, bandages and so much more.
- You may wish your amazing team of nurses could come home with you after birth.
- Read the instruction manual for the car seat and stroller. Practice with them at least once before delivery.
- A cute baby bag is great, but one that holds all your crap is better.
- It’s ok if your house is messy, you’ll get to it eventually. No one ever regretted putting the dishes off until morning to hold or play with their baby instead.
- Postpartum depression and anxiety can happen even weeks after having your baby. Reach out. Ask for help. You are not alone even if it seems like it.
- Family is fantastic, healthy boundaries are better.
- Babies are life changing.
Love this! So many great tips and insight. Thanks for sharing!
I’m glad you enjoyed, thank you for reading!
Although I never gave birth to a baby, I’ve raised a few. I love every comment you made. You should make this into a small book with a different sentence on each page. And you are so talented at cute designs, you could put a small one on each page. What a marvelous baby shower gift this would make! Even if a MOM has been there and done that, she will still see new ideas and smile when she reads ones that are now commonplace to her.
I am so glad I came to this page!
James’ extra Grandmother, Gloria
So sweet of you! That’s a wonderful idea.