With one simple Google query you can go down a rabbit hole when researching all the gizmos and gadgets deemed “must-have’s” for after birth. Before I had Simon, this made my head spin. We were on an extremely tight budget and only wanted to purchase what we absolutely needed. Now that I have made it […]
first time mom
Simon’s Positive Birth Story: A First Time Mom’s Candid Perspective
Simon is now just over two months old and it’s taken me about that long to bring all my thoughts together about my first time giving birth. It’s had a profound impact on my life and I feel very very lucky to have had the experience I did.
65 Unexpected Things I Learned In My First Month of Motherhood
You will use way more blankets, burp cloths, rags, etc. than you think. Spit up and drool laden items end up at every seat and feeding station. So. Many. Diapers. Get the blue bottle of Dermoplast, the red bottle will burn.